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Admitted Patient Care

Admitted Patient Care Data Model


Patient records for all acute emergency admissions for adults (18 years + on day of admission) that had an admission date within the specified study period (see above).

Please check the coding of the variables against those linked to in the ‘Coding/Classification system’ column, this is to ensure data (and therefore analysis) standardisation across sites.

Data Model

Variable name Description Reasoning / Filtering (see Coding / Classification system) Format / Coding / Classification system
patient_id Pseudo individual patient identifier To be able to identify different/the same patient across the dataset, and to identify re-admissions. Derived from NHS Number. No filtering A unique pseudonymous identifier for each individual patient across the dataset
gender Defines the sex of the patient To report on patient demographics. No filtering NHS Data Model PERSON GENDER CODE
ethnos The ethnicity of the patient, as specified by the patient. Groups as defined in the 2001 census. To report on patient demographics. No filtering NHS Data Model ETHNIC CATEGORY
procodet NHS Digital ODS code defining the organisation providing treatment. To be able to identify the trust of the admission NHS Data Model ORGANISATION CODE (CODE OF PROVIDER)
sitetret NHS Digital ODS code defining the site on which the patient was treated within an organisation. Contains the first 3 digits of the provider code of treatment (procodet) with the last two digits being the site identifier. To be able to identify the site of the admission NHS Data Model SITE CODE (OF TREATMENT)
townsend_score_decile Deprivation measure that covers both England and Scotland. To be derived from patient postcode To report on patient demographics. No filtering. ( Derived from NHS Data Model POSTCODE OF USUAL ADDRESS
admimeth Identifies how the patient was admitted to hospital Will act as a later co-variate to discriminate between elective and emergency admissions. admimeth in (21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 28)
admisorc Identifies where the patient was immediately prior to admission Used to identify possible care home admissions. No filtering NHS Data Model SOURCE OF ADMISSION CODE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL)
admidate The date the patient was admitted to hospital at the start of a hospital spell. Start date of hospital spell, to limit the time period of interest. admidate on or after 2021-11-01 and also on or before 2022-10-31
admitime The time the patient was admitted to hospital at the start of a hospital spell. hh:mm:ss format Start time of hospital spell. No filtering NHS Data Model START TIME (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL)
disdest Identifies where the patient was due to go on leaving hospital Can be used to identify discharge to care homes.No filtering NHS Data Model DISCHARGE DESTINATION CODE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL
dismeth Indicates the circumstances under which a patient left hospital Used to identify deaths. No filtering NHS Data Model DISCHARGE METHOD CODE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL)
length_of_stay The length of stay of the patient admission. Calculated as the time between a patient's spell start date and spell end date. No filtering Derived from NHS Data Model START DATE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL) and NHS Data Model DISCHARGE DATE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL)
epiorder The order of the episode within the current hospital provider spell. 1 indicates the first episode in the hospital provider spell, 2 the second, etc. We wish diagnosis and procedure data from only the first episode of a spell (epiorder = 1). NHS Data Model EPISODE NUMBER
admiage Age on admission To report on patient demographics and to limit to desired cohort.Filter: Admiage equals or is greater than 18 years old NHS Data Model AGE ON ADMISSION
diag_01 The primary diagnosis code recorded for the episode. The classification system in use is ICD-10. Used to identify ambulatory care sensitive conditions. See epiorder. No filtering NHS Data Model PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS (ICD). Code required to be in contemporary ICD-10 coding standard.
diag_NN The secondary diagnosis codes recorded for the episode. The classification system in use is ICD-10. Used to identify ambulatory care sensitive conditions. See epiorder. May include up to 19 secondary diagnosis fields, from 02-20. NHS Data Model SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS (ICD). Code required to be in contemporary ICD-10 coding standard.
opertn_01 The main operative procedure code recorded for the episode. The classification system in use is OPCS-4. See epiorder. No filtering NHS Data Model PRIMARY PROCEDURE (OPCS). Codes required to be in contemporary OPCS-4 coding standard
opdate_01 The date the primary operative procedure took place. See epiorder. No filtering NHS Data Model PROCEDURE DATE
opertn_NN Secondary procedure code See epiorder. No filtering. May include up to 23 secondary procedure fields, from 02-24. NHS Data Model PROCEDURE (OPCS). Codes required to be in contemporary OPCS-4 coding standard
opdate_NN Secondary procedure date See epiorder. No filtering NHS Data Model PROCEDURE DATE
disreadydays Discharge Ready Days - The difference between the discharge ready date and discharge date (in days) No filtering NHS Data Model DISCHARGE READY DATE to the NHS Data Model DISCHARGE DATE

Note: We are aware that the CDS allows for unlimited secondary diagnoses and procedures to be recorded. The first recorded 19 such secondary diagnoses and first 23 such secondary procedures are sufficient for our purposes.