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Emergency Care

Emergency Care Data Model


Patient records for all emergency care attendances for adults (18 years + on day of admission) that had an admission date within the specified study period (see above).

Please check the coding of the variables against those linked to in the ‘Coding/Classification system’ column, this is to ensure data (and therefore analysis) standardisation across sites.

Data Model

Variable name Description Reasoning / Filtering (see Coding / Classification system) Format / Coding / Classification system
patient_id Pseudo individual patient identifier To be able to identify different/the same patient across the dataset, and to identify re-admissions. Likely derived from NHS Number / CHI. No filtering A unique identifier for each individual patient across the dataset
townsend_score_decile Deprivation measure that covers both England and Scotland. To be derived from patient postcode. To report on patient demographics No filtering ( Derived from NHS Data Model POSTCODE OF USUAL ADDRESS
gender Defines the sex of the patient To report on patient demographics. No filtering NHS Data Model PERSON STATED GENDER CODE
ethnos The ethnicity of the patient, as specified by the patient. Groups as defined in the 2001 census. To report on patient demographics. No filtering NHS Data Model ETHNIC CATEGORY
accommodationstatus Accommodation Status. SNOMED code Can be used to identify patient who live in residential or nursing homes. No filtering NHS Data Model ACCOMMODATION STATUS (SNOMED CT)
procodet NHS Digital ODS code defining the organisation providing treatment. To be able to identify the trust of the admission NHS Data Model ORGANISATION IDENTIFIER (CODE OF PROVIDER)
edsitecode Site code for each Type 1 Emergency Department at the Trust. To be derived from Organisation Site Identifier of Treatment and to include the first 3 digits of the provider code of treatment (procodet) To be able to identify the site of the admission Derived from NHS Data Model ORGANISATION SITE IDENTIFIER (OF TREATMENT)
eddepttype The type of Emergency Department Used to select attendances at type 1 EDs. (eddepttype = 01) NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE DEPARTMENT TYPE
edarrivalmode Transport mode by which the patient arrived at the Emergency Department. SNOMED code. Used to identify arrival by ambulance, etc. No filtering NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE ARRIVAL MODE (SNOMED CT)
edattendcat The category of emergency care attendance Used to identify unplanned first emergency care attendance for a new clinical condition (or deterioration of a chronic condition). (edattendcat = 1) NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE ATTENDANCE CATEGORY
edattendsource The source of an Emergency Care Attendance Used to identify the source of an attendance (e.g. via a GP). No filtering NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE ATTENDANCE SOURCE (SNOMED CT)
edarrivaldatetime Emergency Care Arrival DateTime. Format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss TMZ Arrival datetime at the emergency department. EmergencyCareArrivalDate >=2021-11-01T00:00:00 and <2022-10-31T23:59:59. Timezone will be required to derive time in ED correctly. Derived from NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE ARRIVAL DATE and NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE ARRIVAL TIME
activage Age at time of activity To report on patient demographics and to limit to desired cohort. admiage equals or is greater than 18 years old NHS Data Model AGE AT CDS ACTIVITY DATE
edacuity Acuity of patient’s condition at time of initial assessment. SNOMED code. To report on patient demographics. No filtering NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE ACUITY (SNOMED CT)
edchiefcomplaint Chief complaint as assessed by the care professional first assessing the patient. SNOMED code. No filtering NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE CHIEF COMPLAINT (SNOMED CT)
edcomorb_NN Comorbidities identified for the patient. SNOMED code. Used to identify comorbid conditions. May include up to 10 fields, from 01-10 NHS Data Model COMORBIDITY (SNOMED CT)
eddiag_NN Diagnosis codes recorded for the attendance Used to identify Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. May include up to 12 fields, from 01-12 NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE DIAGNOSIS (SNOMED CT)
edentryseq_NN Sequence number associated with the diagnosis, giving the position it was recorded by the clinician Used to tie diagnosis to the position they were recorded. May include up to 2 fields, from 01-12 NHS Data Model CODED CLINICAL ENTRY SEQUENCE NUMBER
eddiagqual_NN Level of certainty of a patient diagnosis. SNOMED code. Used to identify the level of certainty of a diagnosis. May include up to 12 fields, from 01-12 NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE DIAGNOSIS QUALIFIER (SNOMED CT)
edinvest_NN Clinical investigations performed while a patient is under the care of an Emergency Department. SNOMED code. Identify investigations. May include up to 12 fields, from 01-12 NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE CLINICAL INVESTIGATION (SNOMED CT)
edtreat_NN Treatments performed while the person is under the care of the emergency department. SNOMED code. Identify treatments/procedures. May include up to 12 fields, from 01-12. NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE PROCEDURE (SNOMED CT)
timeined The time a patient spent in ED (in minutes) Used to report on time in ED. See edarrivaldatetime for filtering. Also, timezone will need to be considered to correctly derive field around daylight saving transition (BST/GMT) Derived from NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE DEPARTURE DATE and NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE DEPARTURE TIME and edarrivaldatetime
edattenddispatch Intended destination of patient following discharge from the emergency department. SNOMED code Used to identify patients who are discharged, admitted, died, etc. No filtering NHS Data Model EMERGENCY CARE DISCHARGE DESTINATION (SNOMED CT)
edrefservice Inpatient service to which the patient was referred for admission or opinion by treating clinician. SNOMED code. To describe where admitted patients are referred. No filtering NHS Data Model REFERRED TO SERVICE (SNOMED CT)

Note: We are aware that the CDS allows for unlimited diagnoses, comorbidities, procedures, and treatments to be recorded. The first recorded 12 such diagnoses, procedures, and treatments, and first 10 such comorbidities are sufficient for our purposes.