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Global Variables

Population of Interest

  • Study period: >=2021-11-01T00:00:00 to <=2022-10-31T23:59:59
  • Patients:
    • Admitted Patient Care Dataset: All acute emergency admissions for adults (18 years + on day of admission) that had an admission date within the study period
    • Emergency Care Dataset: All patients attending ED during the study period.

Criteria for those at high risk of avoidable admission:

The criteria for those at high risk of avoidable admission are considered to be:

Disease codes associated with ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) in common use in the National Health Service (NHS) (n = 19):

ACSCs ICD10 codes used in common NHS subset of ACSCs5,12 Additional ICD10 codes used in other subsets of ACSCs within the NHS
Angina I20, I24.0 I24.8 I24.9 I25 R072 R073 R074 Z034 Z035a
Asthma J45, J46
Cellulitis L03 L04 L08.0 L08.8 L08.9 L88 L98.0 I891 L010 L011 L020 to L024 L028 L029a
Congestive heart failure I11.0 I50 J81 I130 I255a [DAECA]
Convulsions and epilepsy G40 G41 R56 O15 G253 R568a
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J20 J41 J42 J43 J47 J44b
Dehydration and gastroenteritis E86 K52.2 K52.8 K52.9 A020 A04 A059 A072 A080 A081 A083 A084 A085 A09
K520 K521c
Dental conditions A69.0 K02 K03 K04 K05 K06 K08 K09.8 K09.9 K12 K13
Diabetes complications E10.0–E10.8 E11.0–E11.8 E12.0–E12.8 E13.0–E13.8 E14.0–E14.8 E139, E149a
Ear, nose and throat infections H66 H67 J02 J03 J06 J31.2 J040c
Gangrene R02
Hypertension I10 I11.9
Influenza and pneumonia J10 J11 J13 J14 J15.3 J15.4 J15.7 J15.9 J16.8 J18.1 J18 J189 J120 J121 J122 J128 J129 J160 A481 A70xa
Iron-deficiency anaemia D50.1 D50.8 D50.9 D460 D461 D463 D464 D510–D513 D518 D520 D521 D528 D529 D531 D571 D580 D581 D590–D592 D599 D601 D608 D609 D610 D611 D640 to D644 D648a
Nutritional deficiency E40 E41 E42 E43 E55.0 E64.3
Other vaccine-preventable diseases A35 A36 A37 A80 B05 B06 B16.1 B16.9 B18.0 B18.1 B26 G00.0 M01.4
Pelvic inflammatory disease N70 N73 N74
Perforated/bleeding ulcer K25.0–K25.2 K25.4–K25.6 K26.0–K26.2 K26.4–K26.6 K27.0–K27.2 K27.4–K27.6 K280–282 K284–K286 K920 K921 K922 K20x K210 K219 K221 K226a
Pyelonephritis N10 N11 N12 N13.6 N300 N390 N159c
N308 N309a

ICD, International Classification of Diseases.a; Directory of Ambulatory Emergency Care for Adults 1

Disease codes associated with ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) not in common use in the National Health Service (NHS) (n = 17):

ACSCs ICD10 codes used to define ACSCsg
Alcohol-related diseases F10b
Atrial fibrillation and flutter I471 I479 I495 I498 I499 R000 R002 R008a
Constipation K590d
Deliberate self-harm S16a[HRG code]
Failure to thrive R629e
Fractured proximal femur S720 S721 S722c
Dyspepsia and other stomach function disorders K30 K21d
Hypokalaemia E876e
Low birth weight P050 P052 P059 P072 P073f
Migraine/acute headache G43 G440 G441 G443 G444 G448 R51xa
Neuroses E10c E136–E139, E149a
Peripheral vascular disease I73 I738 I739e
Ruptured appendix K350 K351f
Tuberculosis A15 A16 A17A18 A19e
Schizophrenia F20 F21 F232 F25c
Senility/dementia F00–F03 R54a
Stroke I61 I62 I63 I64c I66 I672 I698 R470a

ICD, International Classification of Diseases. A; Directory of Ambulatory Emergency Care for Adults.11b; PARR.22c; National Centre for Health Outcomes Development.21d; Sanderson and Dixon.10e; Caminal et al.9f; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.8g; Converted where necessary from ICD9 to ICD10 using New Zealand Health Information Service ICD9 to ICD10.

Alternative source of ICD10 codes: Directory of Ambulatory Emergency Care for Adults

  1. Purdy S, Griffin T, Salisbury C, Sharp D. Ambulatory care sensitive conditions: terminology and disease coding need to be more specific to aid policy makers and clinicians. Public health. 2009 Feb 1;123(2):169-73. DOI